Leeson Barager
Leeson Barager was born in Mirror, Alberta in 1919. He joined the RCASC late in 1940 and experienced the return of the soldiers from the ill fated Dieppe raid. His first experience with the Germans was firing his rifle at a low flying aircraft over English soil and watching it be shot down a few minutes later. He was eventually sent overseas to Sicily in 1943, where he was a supply truck driver with the 1st Canadian Tanks, much of this while heavy enemy shelling was taking place. After crossing the Moro River, Leeson was wounded when his truck was destroyed and was in hospital in Italy for nearly four months.
Leeson was also a member of the self proclaimed “Dirty Six”, a section of six supply trucks who seemed to always get the rough assignments. After driving up through Europe and ending the war in Holland he was discharged in late 1945.
Leeson passed away on October 4,2009.